Monday, January 3, 2011


TurboTax has posted an article which listed out some of the strangest things to be taxed. Some of them make sense but then some of them are just stupid and don't make sense. 

Although the one item of entity that should be taxed out the ass are the churches. For all the people that buy their way into "heaven" and donate while they are out worshiping whatever god they may believe in, the churches pay not a single penny meanwhile the rich and middle class after much hard work pay income tax. Taxes are needed to help support government programs, people in need, etc and for the churches, which generate billions of dollars, not to pay a penny to help out, is completely ridiculous. If anything church organizations should pay more then the hard working Americans. 

If only I could create a "business" that is a "religious organization" and have a mass following give me their money so I could spend it on video games and cat food.... If only....

Well, don't forget to pay your taxes!

1 comment:

  1. Churches are not a business. The vast majority of their money come from donations from individuals. This money has already been taxed once and shouldnt be taxed again. If I make $100 the feds will take $35 for income tax and social security and medicare. The state income tax will take another $8 and I will pay another $8 in sales tax. Then my property taxed account for about $10 and gasoline taxes another 5 bucks or so. Therefore, out of the $100 I earned I put out about $66 in taxes...that leaves me only $34 out of the $100 I earned. The church says I have to give 10% tithe of my before tax income so this means I have to give $10. Now you are telling me that I havent paid enough taxes and the federal government should take even more taxes from my $10 donation!!!! I say ENOUGH ALREADY!!! Stop spending all my money on bullshit social programs and handouts for people that dont want to work. I only have $24 left out of my $100 earned to pay my expenses, invest for retirement and enjoy life...NO MORE MAN, I have been taxed enough...and to think, the DEMS call me "rich"...sigh.
