Coming out of a economy that was not in the greatest shape, many retail stores are striving to reach the most profit. Regardless of customer service and standard procedures, they would rather purely focus on sales in order to make sure they get every penny. Instead of having employees worry about being tested by "Mystery Shoppers", they want all employees to attack every customer and up sell as much as possible. So for all the people out there that feel as if employees are trying way to hard to get your money, it's because the new goal for many is to maximize each sale. I'm not saying anything is wrong with this, but things like the Mystery Shopper were put in place in order to make sure companies had employees that could answer all questions and fully help the customer. It not only helped guide the company but also gave employees a chance to do better at customer service, since they didn't know if the customer they were helping was a Mystery Shopper.
In the end, I'm sure companies will make more money, but because customer service will decrease, is it really worth it? Leave a comment!
If people really want to help a company out, buy the house brand! The IMU (Item Market Up) on those products is much higher then anything else in there store. And as far as technology items go, most companies LOSE money on things such as laptops, computers, printers, etc. So people need to get attachments such as extended warranties, extra printer ink, ream of paper, etc.
So to help the economy and bring companies back up to profitable figures, buy house brand items AND get buy attachments to technology products.
That is all and don't forget to TCOB it!
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